About Me

My photo
Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
International Horse riding instructor with 35 years experience with riders and horses from novice level to Grand Prix. lessons given on your own horse or our schoolmaster dressage horses at ABRS approved Claire Lilley Training Centre in Wiltshire- horses taken for training Trained in Germany as professional rider(Bereiter), advocate of Classical riding principles according to The Scales of Training, Grade A show jumper

Monday, 13 June 2011

Jumping Horses

Our dressage horses love jumping- especially on the lunge without the rider on board! We do not have the luxury of an indoor school- this would be ideal as the horses could jump free, but as we have to jump them outside, it is safer to have them on a lunge line. Of course, it takes skill to move with the horse to allow them to jump without disturbing them. The handler must be good at running alongside the horse in order to keep the horse straight from the approach, over the fence, to the landing afterwards. Use a lunge cavesson to attach the line to- never the bit, as you would not want to accidentally touch the horse's mouth. Boots or bandages are wise to protect the horse's legs.

Saturday, 7 May 2011


Lungeing should be part of every horse's training. It is invaluable for assessing your horse from the ground and building correct muscles in preparation for ridden work.

The Claire Lilley Lunge Kit consists of three items:

  • The Chambon for stretching work

  • Side reins for establishing a steady contact to the bit

  • The Feeline which makes double lungeing on a circle and long-reining on straight lines easy.
For further details, go to http://www.clairelilley.com/

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

I have been riding Ruby for a few weeks now- we had our first canter today! She is Half-sister to new boy Louis. Its so satisfying bringing on the youngsters- they are so trusting!

We have a new horse- eight month old Louis - he is very cute!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Claire Lilley Lunge Kit

Lungeing the horse with the Feeline behindLungeing the horse with the  Feeline over the backLungeing the horse in side reinsLungeing in the Chambon

Here are photos of The Claire Lilley Lunge Kit in action- a very effective way to build the correct muscles in perparation for ridden work.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Horse Training- Lungeing

Lungeing plays a very important part of every horse's training. It is important to learn how to lunge correctly, and to know which equipment to use. It is useful for building the correct muscles, and assessing your horse from the ground. The Claire Lilley Lunge Kit is specially designed to help you to lunge your horse correctly. There is no 'quick fix' to training a horse- it takes time and patience. See our main web site www.claireliley.com for full details.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Welcome to Claire Lilley's Blog!

Welcome to my blog. Watch this space for updates on what we do day to day around our stable yard, and catch up with the progress of our horses. We have a full 'Boot Camp' for the next three days and it looks as though the weather will be kind to us! Four-year-old mare Ruby os doing very well with me riding her now- she really enjoys being one of the 'gang' of ridden horses- she has watched intently for weeks, and loves doing her training! More news soon- please see my web site www.clairelilley.com for more information Claire